Ben’s Friends to launch Ben’s Connections soon

Sascha Gallardo January 31, 2022

Ben’s Friends communities were created so that people affected by a rare or chronic illness can have a place to connect with others like them.

Through the years, we have witnessed countless times how being able to get in touch with other rare disease patients or caregivers has helped our members.

As many of them say, just knowing that there are people who are experiencing what they are going through is already a source of relief to them. Moreover, the stories other members share have always been a source of valuable information.

But aside from these, members have also benefited from information related to clinical trials as well as doctor recommendations.

Therefore in the past couple of years, we worked on figuring out if we could expand our efforts on these. And our members will surely be happy with the result.

Soon we are going to launch Ben’s Connections, a platform that will enable our members to:

  • Find the best disease specialists in their part of the world and beyond,
  • Find out about clinical trials which may be of interest to them,
  • Participate in medical and pharmaceutical studies of their choosing,
  • Share personal information with researchers that they select.

This is all while allowing our members to keep control of their personal information and data.

Access to Ben’s Connections will be through membership in a Ben’s Friends community only. Therefore, only Ben’s Friends members are allowed to use this facility.

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